Low Db rating
With a Db rating of 65Db, the DCR Pro is an ideal machine for any workshop environment. There is no need for specialist PPE equipment when using.
Size does matter!
With the small footprint of the DCR Pro, it can fit into any workshop of any size, giving extra revenue to your business. Not only that, but it allows for other machines as your business grows.
Who says two is a crowd?
The DCR Pro footprint is so good that often, clients buy more than one machine to double up their alloy wheel refinishing work and revenue.2 DCR PROS take up less room than 1 x horizontal lathe or 1 ½ times other vertical lathes. You can double the workshop output with a DCR Pro pairing.
Perfect Pairing
The DCR Systems Ltd range of machines is the perfect pairing for the DCR Pro in any workshop. From Preparation to completion, we have a machine for you and can help you design your ideal alloy wheel refurbishment environment to maximise your profits.